
Privacy Policy for 8 Light Technologies (8LT)

When you choose 8 Light Technologies (8LT), you gain the strength, experience, expertise, and reliability of a recognized global IT security and privacy leader.

At 8LT, trust is foundational to all we do, and we are committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of your personal information. We will only collect and process personal information relevant to and necessary for the purposes we describe, always in a secure, lawful, and transparent manner.

As a globally integrated enterprise, 8LT's business processes frequently extend beyond the borders of one country. Such globalization demands not only the availability of communication and information systems across the 8LT group of companies (8LT), but also the worldwide processing and use of multiple types of information, including Personal Information.

8LT is committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of Personal Information about its Employees, Customers, Business Partners (including contacts within Customers and Business Partners), and other identifiable individuals. Uniform practices for collecting, using, disclosing, storing, accessing, transferring, or otherwise processing such information assist 8LT to process Personal Information fairly and appropriately, disclosing it and/or transferring it only under appropriate circumstances.

This Policy sets forth the general principles that underlie 8LT's specific practices for collecting, using, disclosing, storing, accessing, transferring, or otherwise processing Personal Information, including the general principle of Privacy by Design and Default. These general principles apply to the processing of Personal Information worldwide by 8LT.

In addition, 8LT recognizes the importance of protecting customers' personal information against unlawful access by governments and their agencies in all jurisdictions where 8LT does business.

In general, 8LT expects governments to deal directly with our enterprise customers when requesting access to data held by 8LT on their behalf.

8LT supports measures to increase the transparency, oversight, and appropriate judicial review of government requests for data, including modernized international agreements on legal assistance.

The general principles are:

8LT Employees who come in contact with Personal Information must act consistently with the principles contained in this Policy.

The application of these principles is more particularly described in the applicable 8LT Corporate Instructions (and any accompanying implementation guidelines) relating to processing Personal Information.